Which family members may potentially have a Fabry mutation?

You can use 'The Fabry family tree builder' to help you work out who in your family might have a Fabry mutation.

This tool is designed to be used by you, someone with a confirmed diagnosis of Fabry, simply by completing your family tree as best as you know it.

It doesn’t matter if there are gaps in your knowledge about different generations or long-lost cousins, it will simply capture what you do know and then highlight for you those that may have a Fabry mutation. You could also ask other family members to help you fill in any blanks if you would like to.

Just answer the questions as they appear, and the rest is done for you. If you make a mistake, you can go back and change your previous answers.

Once the tree is built, you can click a button and your relatives that may have a Fabry mutation will be highlighted automatically. You can then download this for your personal reference and future use.

The tool will only ask you about genetically related individuals, and you should only add these individuals to the tree, as only these individuals could potentially share your Fabry mutation. This means you don’t need to add people’s partners, step-parents or adopted children for example.

PLEASE note that nobody but you has access to the tool data and it is not stored or forwarded to any outside person or agency. It is completely CONFIDENTIAL.

Click here to start building your Fabry family tree

This tool is not supported on mobile devices

Click here to read 'The Fabry family tree builder' instructions